
The Unit of Eating Disorders (UTCA) of the HUMT organizes the exhibition "The other side of the mirror"

The treatment team of the Eating Disorders Unit (UTCA) of the MútuaTerrassa University Hospital (integrated into the Psychiatry Service) has organized an exhibition under the title "The other side of the mirror", which can be visited free and open to the public- until next Monday, February 13, on the first floor of the teaching building.

Reflect and make known the feelings, fears and emotions most frequently linked to eating disorders and their impact on everyday life is the objective pursued by the aforementioned sample, in which a total of seven users have participated. unit.

Within the framework of their therapeutic work, each of them has developed a process of their own creation that has culminated-thanks to the help of the relatives and the professionals of the UTCA- with the result of six works (three sculptures, two and illustrations and a photograph) and several illustrations that accompany a collective story.

Each of these works becomes the reflection of the accumulation of feelings and circumstances that each person experiences towards their own eating disorder. All of them are accompanied by a title and a brief explanation regarding the process of creating the work in question.

In addition, with the will to find a common thread that would give coherence and make the exhibition more intelligible, the seven members of the sample have jointly developed the aforementioned collective narrative explaining the difficulty of having to face daily to your disorder. Divided into six parts -corresponding to different times of the day- the narrative is presented interspersed with the works and helps to enhance their meaning.

the other side of the mirror

  • grief
  • she
  • loneliness
  • clean dishes
  • my own world
  • No exit