
Absolute success of the third edition of the continuing medical training course in Sacral Neurostimulation in pelvic floor dysfunctions

The medical training course specialized in Sacral Neurostimulation in pelvic floor dysfunctions began its journey in 2014, since then there have been three successful editions, which consolidate this training as a reference in the world of surgery in pelvic floor defecatory dysfunction.

The course is divided into four workshops of theoretical and practical basic training, aimed at professionals, national and international specialists in general and digestive surgery, dealing with patients with pelvic floor dysfunctions candidates for sacral neuromodulation and who want to acquire knowledge Detailed description of the technique and its indications. The training focuses on 2 and a half hours of theoretical training and discussion of the clinical cases and in the afternoon the assistance to the operating room where the participants can attend live three interventions.

In this third edition, the number of participants was thirty-four, with an average of between 8 and 10 attendees each workshop. The evaluation made by the attendees has been rated Outstanding, in all areas.

This course has also included 2 advanced workshops aimed at surgeons, national and international experienced in sacral neurostimulation who want to delve into issues such as the therapeutic approach, more complex indications such as low anterior resection syndrome or neurological patients; also how to deal with incidences of monitoring and advanced learning related to electrical programming. The 22 attendees had the obligation to provide their own case that was discussed in a specific space of the Workshop, the assessment of these specialists has been excellent in all areas.

The faculty of this course is formed by Dr. Albert Navarro Luna, Dr. Arantxa Muñoz Duyos, Dr. Harold Vargas, Dr. Juan Carlos Baanante (Coloproctology Unit of HUMT), the nurse of the unit Mrs. Anna Rodon, and Dr. Laura Lagares (researcher of the Coloproctology Unit). In addition, several residents of the General Surgery service have also collaborated. On the other hand, different nursing and auxiliary professionals, as well as technicians in radiology and lliterers in the surgical area, with special dedication so that the surgical sessions were developed in the best possible way have participated.

The leading coloproctology unit in Europe in the treatment of sacral neurostimulation in pelvic floor dysfunction

On November 9 and 10, the coloproctology unit jointly organized with Medtronic an international workshop on Sacral Neurostimulation with participants from all over Europe and Asia who rated the training offered as excellent.

The coloproctology unit of the general surgery service of HUMT has been chosen as one of the three training centers throughout Europe to train international assistants in this treatment, together with a hospital in Erlangen (Germany) and one in Antwerpen (Belgium) ).

This unit is endorsed by a long career and academic care of its professionals in terms of diagnosis and treatment of fecal incontinence and other defecatory disorders. This course is part of the set of teaching activities that the Unit develops nationally and internationally after having been the pioneer and most experienced center in Spain in the use of this treatment since the past 1997.

Fourth edition of the continuing medical training course in Sacral Neurostimulation in pelvic floor dysfunction

The coloproctology unit is already working to prepare the fourth edition of the course in Neuromodulation in Pelvic Floor dysfunctions 2018-2019, which will maintain the structure of Basic and Advanced Workshops.