General features

Ultrasound is a safe, inexpensive and accessible technique that allows for both a static and dynamic evaluation, in real time, of all the anatomical elements of the female pelvis. It also allows us to visualize implants, whether made of polypropylene mesh or other materials that are usually hyperechogenic.

Ultrasound is much more sensitive than physical examination in the location of both anti-incontinence mesh (4) and mesh used for prolapse (5).

The recent introduction of 3-D/4-D ultrasound allows us to evaluate pelvic structures in the coronal plane; visualization with TUI (tomographic ultrasound imaging) and three-dimensional ultrasound allows for visualization in all spatial planes.

Clearly, as with all techniques, ultrasound also has certain drawbacks: it has a limited depth of field, so structures that are very high in the pelvis will be difficult to visualize; proper visualization depends on the experience of the observer and entails a relatively long learning curve; and it must always be used in conjunction with the patient's signs and symptoms.