MútuaTerrassa Group has been awarded the Creu de Sant Jordi by the Catalan government. It is one of the highest recognitions that honours a person or entity for its merits or remarkable services provided in Catalonia.
MútuaTerrassa Group has been awarded the Creu de Sant Jordi.

MútuaTerrassa Group has received the Creu de Sant Jordi award in recognition of its more than 100 years of providing service in Vallès Occidental county, a feat which has established it as a reference in healthcare and social services. Its company group, which employs almost 3,000 professionals and provides service throughout Catalonia and Spain, has diversified in order to properly adapt to new social and medical needs.
Mútua de Terrassa, a non-profit company backed by over 100 years of experience, aims to protect people and improve their health and quality of life. It relies on 3,000 professionals distributed throughout its 16 organisations and companies that carry out various activities in the healthcare sector (hospital and primary care), medical and social services and assisted-living, insurance and logistics.
The company’s executive board, as well as directors and professionals alike, is very excited and honoured to receive this award. This recognition gives everyone in the company even more motivation to do their work with enthusiasm in order to live up to the standards set by this award.
The award ceremony for the Creu de Sant Jordi took place on 21 April in Saló Sant Jordi in the Edifici Palau de la Generalitat of the Catalan Government. Attending the ceremony to accept the award was the president of Mútua de Terrassa Group, Mr. Faust San José, accompanied by members of the executive board and company directors.