Who we are

Executive board

The executive board represents, governs and manages MútuaTerrassa with no other limitations save those powers reserved for the General Assembly, as set forth in law and the articles of incorporation in force.

The managing board is composed of twelve members: president, first vice-president, second vice-president, third vice-president, secretary, vice-secretary and 6 spokespeople.

The members of the managing board are elected during an ordinary general assembly for a period of four years. Votes are cast by secret ballot and every year three members are replaced. The people elected to be members of the managing board may not serve a term longer than 16 consecutive or alternate years.

Executive board

  • Antoni Abad Pous

    Antoni Abad Pous

    First vice-president

    University degree in Business Science …

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  • Martí Lloveras Serracanta

    Martí Lloveras Serracanta

    Third vice-president

    University degree in Economic Science (A …

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  • Laia Guilera Viladomiu

    Laia Guilera Viladomiu


    Senior Management Digital Business, by …

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  • Eugènia Cruz Penina

    Eugènia Cruz Penina


    University degree in Fine Arts (Art …

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  • Cristina Escudé Ferrusola

    Cristina Escudé Ferrusola


    General director BARRUGUET and deputy …

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  • Blai Escoda Torres

    Blai Escoda Torres


    Bachelor of Arts in International …

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  • Àlex Vert Freixa

    Àlex Vert Freixa


    CEO of Vallès Car Holding and …

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  • Maria Emília Gil Girbau

    Maria Emília Gil Girbau

    Executive assistant

    University degree in Sociology and …

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Control and Audit committee

  • Antoni Feiner Sañé

    Antoni Feiner Sañé


  • Joan Castelló Escudé

    Joan Castelló Escudé


  • Carles Martí Comerma

    Carles Martí Comerma
