Who we are


Here you will find a list of all our centres that have been accredited by official institutions in terms of quality.

Healthcare services

Centres with certification from the Department of Health:

  • MútuaTerrassa Hospital d'Aguts
  • MútuaTerrassa Hospital d'Aguts (mental health)
  • Primary care staff from Terrassa D-Oest
  • Primary care staff from Valldoreix primary healthcare centre
  • Primary care staff from Rubí primary healthcare centre
  • Primary care staff from Can Mates
  • Primary care staff from Olesa
  • Primary care staff from Sant Cugat
  • Primary care staff from Rambla
  • Primary care staff from Terrassa G-Sud

Medical and social services

Centres with certification UNE-EN-ISO 9001:

  • Vallparadís nursing home
  • Poblenou nursing home and adult day care centre
  • Falguera nursing home and adult day care centre
  • Mora La Nova nursing home and adult day care centre
  • Baix Camp nursing home and adult day care centre
  • El Tamariu nursing home and adult day care centre
  • Triginta nursing home
  • Ca N’Anglada adult day care centre
  • Les Arenes adult day care centre
  • L’Ametlla nursing home and adult day care centre
  • Montserrat Betriu nursing home and adult day care centre
  • La Pineda nursing home and adult day care centre
  • La Roureda adult day care centre
  • Josep Mas i Dalmau nursing home and adult day care centre
  • Túrsia nursing home and adult day care centre
  • Casa Vapor Gran nursing home and adult day care centre

Corporate areas

Areas of Axioma, Solucions Integrals de Suport Sanitari, SA certified by UNE-EN-ISO 9001:

  • Industrial laundry.
  • Complete management of the sterilisation of medical tools and textiles in the facilities of Viladecavalls
  • Complete management of the sterilisation of medical tools of the sterilisation plant at Parc Taulí Hospital.
  • Management of purchasing, storing and distributing non-pharmaceutical products.
  • Maintenance services for the buildings, facilities and equipment of MútuaTerrassa.


CATLAB certified by UNE-EN ISO 15189:

  • Pre-analyses and over 800 laboratory areas of different sizes