Who we are

Our values

MútuaTerrassa’s values are guidelines aimed at clearly and easily identifying what is essential: how things are done and how everyone in the company should approach their work.

The values of MútuaTerrassa.

  • People first

    People first

    We place people at the centre of our work in order to focus our energy on them and guarantee maximum quality service. In order to do this, we encourage enthusiasm and motivation among members to create a positive work environment. We work closely with our customers and members to identify and analyse viewpoints, expectations and current and future needs. We put our capacities and resources within reach of everyone by focusing and readapting our processes to revolve around you.

  • We encourage professionalism

    We encourage professionalism

    We are experts and specialists in all our working areas. We dedicate time and resources into placing the group’s best interests over individual interests. We promote professional growth. We are dedicated to training to ensure continual improvement and progress in our working areas. Our goal is to always provide the best service at the highest quality possible and to keep our commitment to a job well done.

  • We stay alert to anticipate new needs.

    We stay alert to anticipate new needs.

    We stay alert to the changes society needs and our customers’ expectations in order to fulfil our permanent goal: excel and anticipate while looking towards the future. We approach different strategic, technological, organisational and social areas by being flexible and adapting to new situations. We promote and value personal initiatives while always driving forward the most suitable solution for the current and future needs of our customers, members and collaborators.

  • Commitment to efficiency

    Commitment to efficiency

    We offer well adapted services at the highest quality. We use the resources we have available while maintaining a balance with sustainability. Our management is geared towards excellence and the creation of mechanisms for providing quick and easy solutions. This ensures we can smoothly and properly assist all our customers, whether internal or external, and take action against any unexpected situation. We strive to respect the environment.

  • Integrity and ethical conduct

    Integrity and ethical conduct

    When it comes to working with our interest groups, customers and society as a whole, we adhere to honesty, equality, respect and transparency above and beyond what is set out in laws, codes of conduct and internal regulations.