Global Compact is the largest corporate responsibility initiative in the world and brings together more than 13,000 organizations from over 145 countries.
Who we are
UN Global Compact
What is the UN Global Compact?
MútuaTerrassa achieved the Global Compact Advanced level in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018
The UN Global Compact is an initiative for socially responsible policies that encourages companies worldwide to incorporate as an integral part of their strategy and operations the 10 principles of conduct and action in the areas of human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption.
Its goal is to promote the creation of a global corporate citizenship that provides answers to the demands of civil society while contributing to projects driven by the UN, sectorial international organisations, trade unions and NGOs.
By joining the UN Global Compact, MútuaTerrassa establishes a commitment to promoting the 10 principles of the Compact within its organisation as well as in collaborating entities.
Espacio web Naciones Unidas - Global Compact. Valoración nivel Adavanced a MútuaTerrassa
MútuaTerrassa’s social commitment reports
Informe 2018
2016 report