MútuaTerrassa, founded in 1900, is a social benefit company whose goal is to assist people by anticipating and resolving situations and problems linked to health, personal autonomy and well-being.
It mainly works in Catalonia but also carries out activities in the rest of Spain.
Who we are

What are MútuaTerrassa’s contributions?
A social benefit company
A social benefit company that invests all its resources into improving people’s health and well-being.
With integral services for people.
We offer integral social services, insurance, healthcare services and health logistics.
With engaged professionals
Our professionals are committed to the company’s values and work towards building talent and promoting knowledge.
With independent governance
A company with independent governance.
Focused on ongoing progress.
A company actively working towards ongoing professional and organisational progress.
That has an impact on its surroundings.
Above and beyond our mission, our company aims to make a social and economic impact on our surroundings.
A company you can trust.
A company you can trust that strives every day to create close ties with people.