In the beginning, the aim of MútuaTerrassa was to alleviate the consequences of work accidents caused by complex machines and work processes implemented as a result of industrialisation. In order to do this, it offered financial subsidies, healthcare services and work rehabilitation.
Thus in 1900, a group of businessmen from the Industrial Institute created an insurance company for work accidents and named it “El Seguro Tarrasense contra los Accidentes de Trabajo” or Tarrasense Insurance against Work Accidents.
1900 – 1932
In 1900, the Tarrasense Insurance against Work Accidents was created.
First steps towards preventing accidents in the factories (1905)
New clinic “El Seguro Terrasense” in Sant Llàtzer hospital, entrance from Dr. Robert square (1924).
Participation in the Barcelona Universal Exhibition (1929)
1932 – 1976
The company receives classification as a collaborating entity of the National Institute of Social Security (INP-Instituto Nacional de Previsión) (SOE- Seguro Obligatorio de Enfermedad or Compulsory Insurance Against Illness) (1944).
New Surgery and Specialties Clinic (1947).
Start of primary healthcare services, Rubí primary healthcare centre opens (1967).
Inauguration of new building of Mútua de Terrassa Hospital and Rambla primary healthcare centre (1975).
1976 – 2003
MútuaTerrassa, a hospital of reference with certification as an educational centre (1980).
Creation of Vallparadís Foundation to offer medical and social services (1990).
Recognition of MútuaTerrassa with the Josep Trueta plaque, granted by the Catalan government for healthcare merit (2001).
New offices for MútuaTerrassa insurance (2003).
2003 – 2015
MútuaTerrassa awarded the Creu de Sant Jordi award by the Catalan government (2008).
Inauguration of Parc Logístic de Salut (2008).
Certification of MútuaTerrassa University Hospital affiliated with the University of Barcelona (2008).
Inauguration of Edifici Docent (2010).
Creation of Integralia Vallès Foundation (2015).
Over the past few years, we have been adapting to the needs of the community and diversifying and expanding our services.
Opening up and expansion of the facilities of Aptima Centre Clinic in Terrassa, Sant Cugat and Sabadell.
Reforms to and expansion of the capacity of the medical and oncologic day hospital and the unit and offices for diagnostic and therapeutic examinations.
Improvements to and expansion of facilities in Haemodynamic and HAIFU.
The upcoming inauguration of Casa Marqués Salut Mental which will provide care for people with severe and problematic mental disorders.