
The residence and center of day El Tamariu of Fundació Vallparadís celebrates its 10th birthday

The residence and day center El Tamariu, located in El Prat de Llobregat and specialized in the care of people with intellectual disabilities, celebrates this very important event in 2017: the 10 years of its inauguration, which took place on March 21, 2007. There are several acts that have been organized to celebrate them and two highlight this month of June.

In this regard, on June 10, Hope's music group - made up of professionals from the residence and users - premiered in what was their first concert, thanks to the support of friends and family. It took place in La Capsa, a cultural space of renown ceded by the city council, which actively collaborated in the realization of the concert. The repertoire formed several pop rock songs and most of them were translated into sign language. The success in the influx of public encouraged all present to repeat the experience for the coming year.

In order to continue celebrating this event, the traditional summer party of this year - scheduled for Thursday, June 29 - will be very special. Directed as every year to users, relatives, professionals and people linked to the center, will start at 5:00 pm with the welcome by the director, Mr. Xavier Vidal and an audiovisual that will try to summarize the 10 years of El Tamariu. Then Hope's group will perform and then there will be a paella for all the attendees. The musical intervention of the Rocio Turdetanos Choir will put the end of the day.

A decade of shared stories and anecdotes: the tenth anniversary book
Another important element of this tenth anniversary is the publication of the book "10 years of El Tamariu", a work that reviews - over sixty pages - the day to day of the residents of the center and a decade of experiences and shared experiences. With a presentation by Mr. Vidal, the book collects multiple commented snapshots of what is and has been the day to day of the residence.

In this line, Mr. Vidal condenses in these introductory words the rationale of the work: "... our book did not want to be just a collection of photographs. Rather, it was necessary that it become the line of argument that would provide Voice to the main protagonists of our history: users of the services provided by the El Tamariu Residence and Day Center, and which are the ones that tell us the small daily experiences and the great stories that have marked these TEN years " .