
Casa Vapor Gran Celebrates the centenary of Mrs. Antonia Esteve

Last Friday, June 29, the resident of Casa Vapor Great Mrs. Antonia Esteve Franquesa celebrated its 100th anniversary. To celebrate it, their closest relatives were invited and the rest of the residents of the center were also involved.

At the institutional level, the illustrious Mr. Alfredo Vega, mayor of the city and Mrs. Eva Candela, Councilor for Social Rights, Services to People, Seniors and Health, also wanted to accompany Mrs. Esteve in this event so indicated. In this sense, they shared together anecdotes and significant moments of their lives and gave him a commemorative plaque.

In addition, the meeting was also attended by the director of the center, Ms. Mireia Cos and several institutional representatives of MútuaTerrassa and Vallparadís Foundation, as the manager of the Service Assistance Area of ​​the entity, Mr. Ramon Ramells and the Care Coordinator, Ms. Núria Gamell. Mrs. Esteve also received, from her hands, a medal from the Generalitat de Catalunya in homage to her 100th anniversary.

Centennial people double every ten years in Catalonia

The number of centenarians in Catalonia has multiplied by two every ten years, according to the series analyzed by the Statistical Institute of Catalonia in the last 35 years. Thus, it has gone from 140 people in 1981 to 1,875 people in 2016 thanks to the increase in life expectancy and the arrival at advanced ages of increasingly numerous generations.

On the other hand, women represent 83% of the centennial population, while men represent 17%. There are 4.8 centenarian women for every centenary man. The distribution of the centennial population by sex is very stable over time. The percentage of women within the centennial population has remained around 80% since 1991.