
The Olesa Primary Care Center celebrates its 25th anniversary

Last Friday, June 23, the Olesa de Montserrat Primary Care Center - managed by MútuaTerrassa- celebrated 25 years of its creation. To celebrate this quarter of a century of care and community service was held an institutional event with representatives of CatSalut, Consistory of Olesa and MútuaTerrassa.

In this regard, Dr. Marisa Fernández, Manager of the Health sector of Barcelona Norte del CatSalut and by City Council participated, Mr. Joan Segado, 1st Deputy Mayor, Ms. Georgina Muñoz, Councilor for Social Welfare and Ms. Montserrat Vergara, councilor of Public Health. Dr. Carlos Fontcuberta, manager of the Service Area, Dr. Carles Martí, director of the CAP Olesa and other professionals of the entity linked to the center, was also present at the meeting of MútuaTerrassa.

After the institutional parliaments, which showed the great assistance work that has been carried out in the center by its professionals, the photographic exhibition that illustrates - through several snapshots - some of the highlights of the evolution of the CAP in the course of this quarter century of history.

25 years in the service of the neighbors of Olesa de Montserrat
Opened on June 23, 1992, CAP Olesa was expanded in 2008 to meet the needs of the population. The origin of the Primary Care Center dates from 1988, when the dispensary of the population was inaugurated. Four years later, in 1992, work was carried out, which led to the reform of Primary Care based on the Basic Health Areas (ABS).