
26 years of botulinum toxin application at MútuaTerrassa University Hospital

On 1 June at 5pm, the Edifici Docent of MútuaTerrassa will open its doors to a conference on reviewing and sharing HUMT’s experience in treating movement disorders, spasticity, headaches and other indications with botulinum toxin A and B.

In 1990, the Movement Disorders Unit of MútuaTerrassa University Hospital and the Rehabilitation Department started to apply this toxin, and to this date more than 1,000 people have been treated, which is equivalent to 10,000 applications.

Dr. Miquel Aguilar and Dr. Roser Garreta, chiefs of the Neurology Department and Rehabilitation Department at HUMT, respectively, will kick off the conference by taking a look at the hospital’s experience over these 26 years of treatment. Mr. Josep Calvet will then talk about his experience as a patient with blepharospasm (a type of dystonia in which there is an involuntary closing of the eyelids). This patient went through 101 treatments and he experienced ongoing benefits with no side effects. Dr. Pilar Sanz, neurologist from the Movement Disorders Unit of the Hospital of Mataró, will close the conference by talking about the present and future of treatment with botulinum toxin.

The use of botulinum toxin A has engendered a significant change in the treatment of movement disorders such as dystonia, facial spasms and spasticity, regardless of the causes.