On 18 November, MútuaTerrassa will hold the 2nd refresher course in musculoskeletal sepsis, which, this year, will focus on local antibiotic therapy in osteoarticular infection.
2nd refresher course: Local antibiotic therapy in osteoarticular infection

On 18 November, MútuaTerrassa will hold the 2nd refresher course in musculoskeletal sepsis, which, this year, will focus on local antibiotic therapy in osteoarticular infection.
Local antibiotic therapy is increasingly more frequently used in the treatment of osteoarticular infection, whether associated to implants or not. However, as of today, not enough scientific evidence exists on methods for mixing and dosing and on indications and surgical techniques. This means that practice widely varies from centre to centre and from professional to professional.
The Osteoarticular Infection Unit of the Orthopaedic Surgery and Trauma Department of MútuaTerrassa University Hospital, headed by Dr. Alfredo Matamala, is organising this course in order to present, through theory and practice, the protocols and opinions of various experts in osteoarticular infection.
The course will address two different aspects of local antibiotic therapy in two round table conferences, the first of which bears the title: Antibiotic-impregnated cement spacers. It will focus on: Pharmacodynamics and antibiotic-loaded acrylic cement. Use of spacers in 2-step replacements of joint prosthesis. Technical tips and treatment of chronic prosthesis infection without local antibiotics. 1-step, non-cemented replacements.
The second round table conference is titled: Bone replacements with antibiotics. It will focus on: pharmacodynamics and the release of antibiotics in bone replacements. The use of calcium compounds with antibiotics in chronic osteomyelitis and will local antibiotic therapy replace systemic antibiotic therapy in the future? An infectologist’s point of view.
The event will close with a crossfire session among Dr. Alfredo Matamala, Dr. José Baeza, Dr. Juan Carlos Martínez Pastor and Dr. Lluís Puig. The title of the crossfire session is: How to make articulating cement spacers and mix bone replacements with antibiotics. Hand-made vs. pre-made spacers.
The event is recommended for orthopaedic surgeons and last year residents who are particularly interested in treating this type of disease.