
Everything ready for the celebration of the Fourth International Joint Meeting on Thoracic Surgery

From November 28 to 30, the National Work Promotion auditorium will host the fourth edition of the International Congress of Thoracic Surgery organized jointly - every three years - between the Joint Thoracic Surgery Service - formed by the HUMT, the Hospital del Mar and the Hospital of the Santa Creu and Sant Pau and the Thoracic Surgery Service of the Hospital Clínic.

The coordinators of the meeting are Dr. Laureano Molins, Head of the Thoracic Surgery Service of the Hospital Clínic, Dr. José Belda, Head of the Thoracic Surgery Service of HUMT and Dr. Ramon Rami, Clinical Chief of the same service. As for the HUMT, several professionals from the Oncology and Thoracic Surgery Service will intervene as speakers.

The meeting will consist of a compilation of brief oral and audio-visual presentations covering different areas of thoracic surgery and many other subjects closely related to thoracic surgery and thoracic oncology, with special emphasis on the diagnosis, staging and treatment of lung cancer. In addition, it will also include breakfast sessions and meals, seminars dedicated specifically to relevant fields in thoracic surgery and work sessions in poster format and audiovisual presentation.

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