
Accession of MútuaTerrassa to the statement of the Unió Catalana d'Hospitals on the imprisonment of members of the Government of Catalonia

We attach the statement of the UCH

From La Unió we want to express our rejection before the imprisonment of the members of the Government of Catalonia dictated by the National Audience, as well as our solidarity with the affected ones and their families. We consider that it is a totally unjust measure, which attempts against democracy and freedom, and against Catalan institutions.

Given these facts, which are added to the police violence suffered by the citizens of 1-O, the imprisonment of Jordi Cuixart and Jordi Sánchez and the application of article 155 of the Constitution laminating self-government, from La Unió we reiterate our concern for the regression that are suffering the fundamental rights in our country, and ultimately by the serious tension that is being submitted to citizenship.

Considering the gravity of the situation that is being experienced in Catalonia and taking into account the plurality of our associates, we demand political solutions based on democracy and through dialogue, respect, and a peaceful approach to the problems that have always characterized the people Catalan.

Helena Ris