Between the 1 and 3 of February at the Edifici Docent of MútuaTerrassa, a new edition will be held of the training, research and clinical certification course in ADI-R (Autism Diagnostic Interview Revised), organised by the HUMT Child Psychiatry Department of MútuaTerrassa University Hospital (HUMT).
New course on Autism Diagnostic Interview Revised

Like previous editions, this year the course will be led by Dr. Amaia Hervàs, psychiatrist and coordinator of the Child Psychiatry Department at MútuaTerrassa University Hospital. Dr. Hervás, a graduate of Cornell University New York (USA), University of London (UK) and Newcastle University (UK), is a leading expert in Spain and worldwide when it comes to teaching ADI-R and ADOS2 diagnostic tools .
Additional method for complete diagnosis
ADOS is a semi-structured interview conducted on children, teenagers and adults with ASD. It is also used in conjunction with ADI-R, a semi-structured interview conducted on parents, family members and caregivers.
Both diagnosis instruments are highly complex to implement and are specially designed to be used in researching autism spectrum disorders. Therefore, certification via a training course is essential for all who wish to implement them.
This course is intended for professionals who have experience with ASD, who wish to improve their diagnostic skills and/or knowledge of psychopathology in ASD or who need to take a training course in diagnosis instruments in order to apply them to scientific research.
To register, please send an email to:
Price of course: €450 (includes handbook, interview and algorithm).
01/02/2017 - February 2017 ADIR programme
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