
Dr. Galdámez wins the prize for the best medical resident communication of the Spanish Society of Primary Care Physicians

Between the 8th and 9th of June, the third Congress of the Spanish Society of Primary Care Physicians (SMERGEN) was held under the title "Love, humor and medicine" and the Organizing and Scientific Committees awarded the prize for the best medical resident communication at work "How are the residents when they start State of health and professional skills".

The main author is Dr. Alberto Galdámez and he has done it together with other professionals of the entity: Dr. Nuria Giménez, tutor of the work, Dr. Bernat de Pablo, family doctor of CAP Valldoreix, Dr. Isabel Santsalvador , family doctor of the same center and tutor of Dr. Galdámez and Dr. Montse Gavagnach, head of studies of the Family and Community Care Teaching Unit.

The work analyzes the profile of 44 residents in the incorporation, their health status and two emerging competencies: resilience and self-pity. The analysis is done through a self-administered questionnaire with 103 variables, with 3 sections (health and sociodemographic data, resilience -Connor-Davidson- and self-compassionScale- self-compassion).

The study aims to assess the evolution of these issues during the 4-5 years of residence. An annual follow-up will be carried out until the end of the residency. Nowadays, it can be concluded that the residents who are incorporated are young, have healthy habits and present high resilience and self-pity. On this last competition influence pathological backgrounds and level of care.