
Betevé and the Diario Terrassa talk with Dr. Hervás about Asperger's syndrome

As a state and international professional in the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Barcelona Television (Betevé) and the Diario Terrassa have recently interviewed Dr. Amaia Hervás -head of the Child and Juvenile Psychiatry Unit of HUMT- Asperger's syndrome, since the International Day of this disorder was celebrated on February 18.

In this sense, Betevé has developed a webdoc in which people affected by this disorder and their families as well as working entities and professionals take part. One of them is Dr. Hervás and since last February 18, the audiovisual -directed by Carlos Valdés- already has more than 22,000 views.

In parallel, the supplement "People DT" of the Diari de Terrassa published the same day a story under the title "Asperger, a different mental universe." Dr. Hervás participated contributing all her knowledge in this matter and was also interviewed as an expert, together with two testimonies from mothers of children suffering from the syndrome and a testimony from an adult who also lives with the disorder.

During the interview, Dr. Hervás talks about the origin of the disorder, its severity, the genetic predisposition, the epistemic causes, the evolutionary factors as well as the convenience of finding the causes and possible treatments.

The "Families and School" program of the Local Communication Network has also recently interviewed her, in this case to address Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). So, last Thursday February 22, Canal Terrassa issued a report on this disorder under the title "Educate children with Autism Spectrum Disorder" and Dr. Hervás provided his testimony. The day before, Wednesday 21, the Municipal Radio of Terrassa also broadcast an interview with her on this same issue.

Watch the webdoc of Betevé

Watch the report of the Local Communication Network