
Gaceta Médica and El Global echo the participation of Dr. Ana Muntañola to meet experts on biosimilar drugs

The specialized journals Gaceta Médica and El Global published, in its October 2nd issue, an article referring to the recent meeting of experts in biosimilar drugs that was held last month at the headquarters of CatSalut and was organized by the Science Foundation of the Medication and Sanitary Products.

Biosimilar medications are equivalent biological drugs in quality, efficacy and safety to an original biological medicine (benchmark product) but more economical. Biosimilars have recently emerged on the scene of biological drugs and there are many questions that have arisen in medical and economic terms.

The meeting,in which Dr. Muntañola participated, was organized with the propose to answer all these questions. She referred to the "positive economic impact" of the biosimilars, that is to say, the savings they entail for the healthcare system. Regarding the interchangeability of biological biosimilars, she commented that this is a patient's decision, although he emphasizes that "90% take into account the advice of your doctor."