
AQUAS interview with Dr. Moyà about the importance of evaluation in the care field

On March 1 the blog of the Agency for Health Quality and Innovation of Catalonia (AQuAS) published an interview with Dr. Xesca Moyà focused on the incorporation of the evaluation in the development process of care projects and in the identification of innovative practices.

It is part of the first edition of the Innova and Evalua training program promoted by the Observatory of Innovation in Health Management in Catalonia (OIGS), of which Dr. Moyá has recently been a participant.

In the course of the interview he talks about the importance of evaluation as a unique mechanism to objectify clinical practice and also highlights the need to question whether the novelties that are implemented and the resources devoted directly to patients and the entity.

Dr. Moyá also explains that "giving visibility and sharing everything that takes place as well as recognizing the effort of all professionals who make the improvement of the health system possible" was another aspect that contributed to the commitment to evaluate good welfare practices that are developed within the entity.

Regarding the incorporation of evaluation in innovation, Dr. Moyá emphasizes the need to implement the methodology from the moment of project conception since, incorporating it at the end or in the middle of the practice or project is practically impossible in terms of successful results

Finally, Dr. Moyá explains that the importance of this area lies in the fact that it provides you with very valuable information in terms of knowing the value of the entity, knowing what it contributes, assessing whether the practice in question is applicable to other areas or if on the contrary it is necessary to modify it or improve it to obtain more efficient results.

Link to the interview