
The journal of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine publishes an article by Dr. Maria del Mar Fernández on the withdrawal of mechanical ventilation

Removal of mechanical ventilation (weaning) to those patients who have been intubated has been the subject of numerous studies but so far none of them had focused on what happens if patients are allowed to rest after the effort to breathe through said tube.

With this hypothesis, Dr. Maria del Mar Fernández, assistant physician of the Intensive Care Service of the HUMT, has directed a work the main objective is that these patients could benefit from resting for an hour after the effort of breathing through a tube. This is a multi-center study, which has been carried out with the collaboration of 17 hospitals throughout the state (the UCI of the HUMT has acted as a coordinating center) and 470 ICU patients have been included.

Daily, all patients in the ICU were seen to detect those who could be ready to breathe without the need for machines or tubes, and those who met the inclusion criteria were added to the study. They were first classified according to whether or not they were at high risk of extubation failure and then s'aleatoritzaven to be extubats - control group - or to be reconnectats for one hour again to the ventilator - resting group.

The results showed that the rest group had a significantly lower reintubation rate (14% in the control group and 5% in the rest group). This conclusion is very relevant since the need for reintubation is associated with an increase in morbidity and mortality. In addition, it is a maneuver that does not require complex or costly machines, there is no specific training or further testing and does not overstretch the time of extubation. Consequently, the study concludes that it should be easy to apply to all hospitals and could have a major impact on clinical practice.

This work was presented at the highlights of the annual European Society of Intensive Care (ESICM) Congress held last week in Vienna:
Llegirl'estudi: http: // V = 0 & j = 134 & y = 0 & a = 4911_10.1007_s00134-017-4911-0 & doi =

See the presentation:
See the interview with Dr. Fernández: