
Mútua de Terrassa, Social Security Mutuality at Prima Fija - Leading Social Benefit Entity in the Vallès - holds the Ordinary General Assembly

On Tuesday, June 20, the Ordinary General Meeting of MútuaTerrassa took place, during which the report of the Entity Control Commission was made public and the annual accounts for the 2016 fiscal year were approved.

2016 has been consolidated as a year of changes in many senses, changes in governance, changes in regulations, changes in work processes and changes to separate activities.

Solvency II
On 1 January, the new European Solvency II regulation, applicable to all insurance companies, came into force, which has had tangible impacts beyond the insurance activity and has substantively conditioned the 2016 financial year.

The application of this new regulation has, in broad strokes, incorporated a new philosophy of action in the usual work processes, to the insurance activity. But beyond the incorporation of these changes, it is necessary to emphasize the efforts made in the project of division of the branch of health care, to allow Mutua de Terrassa, Mutualidad de Previsión Social a Prima Fija, to exclusively develop the activity that is Own: insurance on people.

Fundació Assistencial MútuaTerrassa

As a result of the separation of activities required by the application of Solvency II, the Assembly of Mutualists of Mutua de Terrassa, in an extraordinary meeting of October 28, 2016, approved the constitution of the new Mutua de Terrassa Assistance Foundation. Its founding objective is to give continuity to all the activity carried out so far by Mutua de Terrassa MPS, in all its fields: primary care, home care, specialized care, acute and subacute hospitalization, mental health and others.

It should be noted that this new foundation maintains identical governance, with universal succession as well as the same human team that developed this activity before. This ensures continuity of care activity and allows a net application of Solvency II in the insurance business.

Relief in the presidency of the Board of Directors

Another substantial change during 2016 was the change in the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors, a change envisaged in Mutua de Terrassa's own statutes. Thus, on August 5, Josep Betriu i Pi resigned as a member of the Board, having reached the maximum age established and, consequently, ceased also in the position of president who held until that date. Next, Jordi Parera i Martinell assumed the presidency.

It should be noted that the new presidential stage starts with the challenge of making effective, as far as possible, the legacy of the former, materialized in what has been called Strategic Plan or Strategic Reflection, which raises as its main objectives: Innovation by strengthening governance, increasing commitment to people and improving competitiveness, all aimed at achieving an ostensible improvement in the image and reputation of the entity.

Results of activities

Insurance activity

During 2016, the performance of the insurance business has been positive, with a 1% growth in total premium volume compared to the previous year. In this regard, it stands out the 6.90% of the growth of the branch of health care (main of the insurance activity), 1.8 points above the total of the insurance sector as a whole.

In terms of solvency, it should be noted that the Insurer has a solvency ratio over compulsory capital of 158%, well above the capital requirements established by Solvency II.

Care activity

During 2016 we have seen an increase in all the activities of the care service, both at the level of hospitalization and outpatient care, and both in terms of CatSalut activity, and the one that has been generated from the Centro Clínico.

One more year the MútuaTerrassa University Hospital has received the TOP20 award in "Global Hospital Management" and it is one of the main tertiary hospitals in our country.

MútuaTerrassa manages, in addition to the MútuaTerrassa University Hospital - with 384 beds - 9 Primary Care Centers and 4 municipal offices, which serve 259,749 people belonging to its area of ​​influence.

Also manages for 9 years the Hospital of Sant Joan de Déu de Martorell for the management agreement with the Board of the Foundation of this center. The hospital has 129 beds with an area of ​​influence of 155,733 inhabitants.

The MútuaTerrassa University Hospital, which belongs to SISCAT (Catalan Health System for public use), has more than thirty different specialties and carries out tertiary referral procedures for specialties such as neurosurgery, thoracic surgery, hematology, cardiac hemodynamics for a population of over One million
Of inhabitants, as well as certain processes of cancer surgery.

The HUMT has served 122,865 hospital emergencies, 101,642 primary care emergencies, 519,683 visits to specialized doctors, 1,566,389 primary care visits and 36,074 surgical interventions.

MútuaTerrassa has the University Health Campus, which is part of the Campus of the University of Barcelona, ​​distinguished as Campus of International Excellence. It is a dynamic space for the management of knowledge in the fields of action of MútuaTerrassa and carries out programs of university specialization. Accredited for training, the HUMT has a university specialization program with 198 residents. It has a total of 1,532 students in practical, Degree, Postgraduate and Specialized Sanitary Training. It has 25 research projects in progress and 19 works submitted to obtain the Fellowship of the Teaching and Research Foundation; 21 research papers submitted to the annual appointment of the Nursing Award and 13 in the 8th edition of the UEN Sociosanitaria. In 2016, 32 scientific events and 7 public health conferences were also held.

In this link you can consult the Annual report 2016 of MútuaTerrassa

  • 20/06/2017 - 2016 Annual report

    Recull de fets i xifres que resumeixen l'activitat anual del 2016 de Mútua Terrassa i els seus resultats, com a entitat i en cadascun dels seus àmbits de servei.