

With the prior agreement of the Board of Directors, the president of the Entity and in compliance with the provisions of its Statutes, convene ORDINARY GENERAL ASSEMBLY, which will take place on June 19 at the premises of San Antonio Street, 39-41, of Terrassa, at 3:00 p.m. on first call and at 4:00 p.m. on second call, to deal with the following matters


  • Report of the Control and Audit Committee of the Entity for the year 2017.

  • Examination and approval, if applicable, of the annual accounts and the individual and consolidated management report of Mutua de Terrassa, Social Security Mutual Benefit at a fixed premium, corresponding to the 2017 fiscal year as well as the materialization of the fund extension Mutual in accordance with the agreement of the Assembly of 04/28/1998.

  • Examination and approval, where appropriate, of the management carried out by the Board of Directors during this fiscal year.

  • Examination and approval, where appropriate, of the proposed application of the result of this exercise.

  • Appointment of external auditors for the 2018 financial year for the individual Accounts.

  • Ratification of the agreement of the Board of Directors of the donation to "Fundación Mutua de Terrassa, for Teaching and Biomedical and Social Research, Catalan Private Foundation".

  • Ratification of the agreement of the Board of Directors of the provision to the Social Fund Reimbursement of quotas.

  • Ratification and statutory election of members of the Board of Directors.

  • Statutory election of member of the Control Commission.

  • Adaptation of the company name to current regulations.

  • Delegation of powers for the formalization of the agreements that are adopted.

    Note: Mr. Mutualistas have the right to examine in the registered office the documentation related to the Annual Accounts, as of the publication of this call and until the date of the holding of the ordinary General Meeting.

    The attendance form as well as the proxy document will be attached to this text or it may be requested by phone at 93.736.50.75 and 93.736.50.60.

    Terrassa, May 29, 2018

    Jordi Parera Martinell