The Edifici Docent of MútuaTerrassa will open its doors on the 26 and 28 of October to the new edition of the training course for clinical certification and research on Autism Diagnostic Observational Schedule (ADOS), a complex diagnosis tool designed for autism spectrum disorders (ASD).
The HUMT Child Psychiatry Department organises a new edition of the course on Autism Diagnostic Observational Schedule

Like previous editions, this year the course has been organised by Dr. Amaia Hervàs, psychiatrist and coordinator of the Child Psychiatry Department at MútuaTerrassa University Hospital. Dr. Hervás is a leading expert in Spain and worldwide in teaching about these tools for the diagnosis of ASD. She is a certified teacher in the ADOS diagnosis instrument by Cornell University New York (USA) and by University of London - Newcastle (U.K.) ( Prof A. LeCouteur and Prof M. Rutter).
ADOS is a semi-structured interview conducted on children, teenagers and adults with ASD. It is also used in conjunction with the ADI-R (Autism Diagnostic Interview Revised), a semi-structured interview conducted on parents and caregivers. In mid-February, Dr. Hervás also gave a course on ADI-R within the same setting.
Both diagnosis instruments are highly complex to implement and are specially designed to be used in researching autism spectrum disorders. Therefore, certification via a training course is essential for all who wish to implement them.
This course is intended for professionals who have experience with this disorder, who wish to improve their diagnostic skills and/or knowledge of psychopathology in ASD or who need to take a training course in diagnosis instruments in order to apply them to scientific research.