
MútuaTerrassa collects the award from the Avedis Donabedian Foundation for the best information on actions in Social Responsibility

It did Mr. Antoni Abad, vice president of the entity, in the framework of the XXIX edition of the Awards for Quality in health institutions held yesterday at the Palau de la Música Catalana.

MútuaTerrassa received last night the Prize for the best information Actions in Social Responsibility in Health Institutions by the Avedis Donabedian Foundation for the publication of its 7th Social Commitment Report.

It is an award that - framed in the area of ​​social information and transparency - distinguishes institutions that present better information on the strategies developed in the field of Social Responsibility. The recognition was collected by Mr. Antoni Abad, first vice president of the entity, from Mrs. Antonia Solvas, Delegate-director of ASISA Barcelona.

As an entity of social benefit, MútuaTerrassa has always been committed to society, and the encouragement that since 2009 has represented the adherence to the United Nations Pact has allowed to reproduce in its 7th report of social commitment the actions of the whole of the entity in relation to people, the community, transparency and sustainability.

The entity has achieved -for the third consecutive year- the highest level of "Advanced" reporting with the presentation of this report for the year 2016. Under the motto "Arribem més lluny", it evokes the effort of all professionals and the will to deepen in the initiatives and involve all the stakeholders.

MútuaTerrassa has already been recognized by the Avedis Donabedian Foundation before. Already in 1997, the L'Ametlla del Vallès Residential Center of the Vallparadís Foundation -with more than 25 years at the service of the elderly and people with dependency, intellectual disability and mental illnesses- was awarded the Quality Award in the socio-health care category, and in 2014, the Residencia mental health home Triginta also received this recognition, in the category of mental health and additions.