
Four Nursing Works of the MútuaTerrassa Welfare Foundation, presented at the VII Conference of Nursing Innovations of the UCH

Last Wednesday, November 22, was held the Seventh Technical Conference on Nursing Innovations promoted by the Catalan Hospital Union, this year under the title "Transforming ideas into actions." Among the 43 papers presented, 4 were from the MútuaTerrassa Welfare Foundation, 2 were finalists and one of them was awarded the second prize.

In this sense, the experiences presented were:

"Improvement of efficiency in the preparation of cellulose bandages": Francisco Pozo, Margarita Cano, Mariola Méndez, Marisol Lolo, Jaume Vives, Laura Buguñá - 2nd prize

"Healthy habits through the story" La Martinet "": Olga Monistrol, Montse Riera, María López-Sánchez, Esther Calbo, Laia Albert, Natalia Albà and Nuria Freixas - finalist

"Use of photographs to generate a need for training in skin lesions": Josefa Valls, Mercedes del Cotillo, Inmaculada Sandalinas

"Online training: a response to the needs of continuing education": Josefa Valls, Mercedes del Cotillo, Inmaculada Sandalinas

Regarding the winning work, this prototype to prepare cellulose bandages arises from the following need: the Emergency Service of HUMT there is a large flow of patients with trauma pathology that require an immobilization of the extremities with compresius or functional bandages. These immobilizations require the use of cellulose bandages that are presented in a very large coil format. The rolls are fractioned manually with rolls of smaller size and manageable. Up to 200 bands are split up each day, being a tedious job and occupying a lot of professional time. Therefore, the idea of ​​creating and validating prototypes to facilitate this task without compromising quality arose.

This day is organized with the aim of sharing innovations that add value to day-to-day practice, in all professional areas where the nurse intervenes. This year's edition featured a conference and two presentation tables where the finalist innovative experiences, previously selected by the Scientific Committee, were presented. As in the past editions, this year's was an excellent opportunity to show the commitment and involvement of Catalan nurses in healthcare practice through the innovations that are carried out in the centers.