
The emergency service gets the prize for the best poster in the 8th conference of clinical cases of infections in the emergency services of the SOCMUE

On November 7, the Ocular Microsurgery Institute held the 8th day of clinical cases of infections in the emergency services directed mainly to resident doctors, organized by the Catalan Society of Emergency and Emergency Medicine (SOCMUE).

During the day there were a total of 92 presentations and clinical cases especially focused on infections and, for the first time, had a session dedicated to ophthalmological emergencies.

The emergency service HUMT ranked 7th in terms of number of accepted papers with a total of 6 communications (5 posters defended and 1 oral communication). The poster entitled Streptococomilleri, a frequent cause of complicated pneumonia, made by doctors Laura Fernández Touzón, Laura Gisbert Pérez and Aina Mateu Subirà was awarded the prize for the best Poster of Infectious Diseases within the day.

Likewise, the XXV Catalan Congress of Emergencies and Emergencies was also presented, such as the awarding of the III José Luis Echarte Prize.