
Axioma Solucions, example of success story in terms of incorporating people with diverse abilities

The Ajuntament de Terrassa, through the Employment Service and the Office of Diverse Capacities, has made a video aimed at raising awareness in the business fabric of the city that explains the benefits of hiring people with different abilities. It is entitled "Companies that break barriers" and is led by Axioma Solucions and Improtec, a company specializing in packaging and adhesive tapes.

The nine-minute clip incorporates the testimony of two Axioma laundry workers with disabilities, Mario Luque and Félix Alcalde, and also includes statements by the production manager, Marc Baron, as well as the director, Ignasi Canal.

The audiovisual also explains practical tips to achieve successful job insertions and contributes to give visibility to the benefits of hiring people with diverse abilities of different professional profiles. This is an awareness-raising action that is part of the Local Plan for Attention to Diverse Capacities 2016-2020 of the Consistory conceived to improve the inclusion of people with diverse abilities in the labor market.