Volem compartir amb tú el nostre Espai de coneixement, els blocs especialitzats de MútuaTerrassa on consultar les darreres novetats del nostre sector.
Els blogs de Mútua

Blog Centro Atención y Seguimiento Drogodependencias
From this space you will have access to generic information, which we consider important and which can be very useful for people suffering from addiction and families. This information is structured by topics of interest about drugs and guidance directed to families, etc. In addition, we will publish new articles with topics that are more current.
Blog of the Service of Obstetrics and Gynecology and the ASSIR of MútuaTerrassa
From the Service of Gynecology and Obstetrics and the ASSIR of MútuaTerrassa we take care of the woman in all her stages, for that reason we have created this space where she will have access to truthful and first hand information that we consider important and that can be very useful for you.
From the adventure of being a mother, how to take care of yourself before, after and during pregnancy, what you need and how to prepare for the arrival of your baby. We will discuss parts, breastfeeding, assisted reproduction, gynecological pathologies, pelvic floor treatments, breast pathology, cancer until menopause. In addition, we will also publish articles in relation to topics that are more topical.Specialized Health Training
Blog del Servei de Cirurgia Ortopèdica i Traumatologia
Des d'aquest espai tindreu accés a informació sobre l'activitat del nostre servei, que considerem important i que us pot ser de gran utilitat.
Aquesta informació està estructurada dins de les diferents unitats que conformem el nostre servei. A més, també publicarem nous articles amb els temes que estiguin més d’actualitat.