
Flu? Do not! Get vaccinated

The flu is a viral respiratory disease that is easily transmitted between people.
In Catalonia it arrives with the winter, most of the times from the second half of December and usually increases during the first weeks of January.

Its usual symptoms are: high fever (more than 38.5ºC), cough, headache and malaise.

Healthy people, normally, recover in 1-2 weeks. It is important hydration, rest and symptomatic treatment (analgesics and antipyretics such as Paracetamol).

The flu can cause more complications and lethality in the elderly and in those with certain chronic pathologies.

Since the last October 22 , the vaccination campaign in Catalonia has been started for people in the following groups:

Over 60 .
Children from 6 months and adults with certain chronic diseases:

Cardiovascular diseases
Respiratory diseases
Neurological diseases
Mellitus diabetes
Morbid obesity
Chronic kidney disease
Celiac Disease
Immunosuppressed patients
Chronic liver disease

People who live in the home with patients from any of the aforementioned groups.
Under 18 years of age who receive chronic treatment with acetylsalicylic acid.

Institutionalized people of any age (residences, day centers ...)
Pregnant women in any trimester of pregnancy.

Workers in health centers and other public services (fire, police, teachers, civil protection ...)
People working on poultry and pig farms.

As of November 30, as long as vaccines are available, people who do not belong to any risk group can be vaccinated.

Request an appointment to get your CAP vaccinated:

Frequently asked questions about flu and influenza vaccination

When should I get the flu vaccine?

You have to get vaccinated before the arrival of the flu. It is advisable to get vaccinated at the beginning of autumn. The vaccine begins to be effective 14 days after its administration and the effect lasts between 6 and 12 months.

Do I need to get a flu shot every year?

Yes, because the flu virus usually changes every year and the composition of the vaccine varies.

Can I get vaccinated if I am allergic to eggs?

Only people who have suffered a very severe allergic reaction prior to the influenza vaccine, regardless of the component suspected to be responsible for the reaction, is contraindicated the administration of influenza vaccine.

What can I do to avoid infecting or infecting others?

Wash your hands regularly.
When sneezing or coughing put the fold of the elbow in front of the nose and mouth or a tissue paper disposable. Do not use cloth handkerchiefs.
Ventilate the rooms and common areas.

Can I get the flu even if I have been vaccinated?

Yes. It is possible to get the flu even if you have been vaccinated.
Unfortunately, some people can get infected with a flu virus not included in the vaccine.
The flu vaccine is not a perfect tool, but it is the best way to be protected against the disease.

Does the flu vaccine protect against the common cold?

No. The flu vaccine protects only against the flu. Although the symptoms may be similar, they are different viruses. There is no vaccine against colds.

Are antibiotics effective?

No. The flu is a viral disease. Antibiotics fight bacterial infections, never viral ones.