
Casa Vapor Gran celebrates its first anniversary

The nursing home celebrated its one year anniversary with music and popular folk culture

MútuaTerrassa Casa Vapor Gran opened its doors in June 2015. Promoted by the Vallparadís Foundation, the nursing home provides comprehensive social services to the elderly and people in need of assisted-living.

On Friday, 3 June, Casa Vapor Gran organised a very special party for its residents, their family members and everyone who wished to participate in its one year anniversary. The programme of events was diverse and included a conference, a concert and shows of folk culture.

The event kicked off with the conference “History of the Vapor Gran Factory” led by Terrassa native Joaquim Verdaguer. At 5pm, the group La Corranda gave a concert of folk songs. The party then continued outside the residence with a street show put on by Bastoners de Terrassa and finished with a magnificent human pyramid display by the Bergants del Campus de Terrassa group.

With a total capacity for 131 residents and 20 adult day care users, Casa Vapor Gran is backed by the MútuaTerrassa Vallparadís Foundation, which has provided healthcare services for 25 years in centres all around Catalonia. Its link with MútuaTerrassa University Hospital and the Vallparadís medical and social services centre guarantees high quality and specialised health services.

Casa Vapor Gran one year anniversary

  • verdaguer public conference
  • castellers bergants
  • la corranda 2
  • bastoners terrassa
  • la corranda
  • verdaguer conference