
"La nit dels savis" conversation with Celia Carmona about hearing problems among the geriatric population

Speaking and discussing everything that surrounds the group of the elderly is the objective of the television program "La nit dels savis", which airs every Friday at 9 pm on Canal Terrassa. Presented by the Jordi Dueso from Egarense, it is an area of ​​dissemination that every week addresses a different issue from the perspective of the greatest.

In this sense, last Friday June 29, the theme chosen was the hearing problems between the geriatric population and Mrs. Celia Carmona, participated in a discussion table together with other professionals. This is the case of Dr. Daniel Dinarès, specialist in otorhinolaryngology at the Clínica del Vallès and Mrs. Miriam Méndez, hearing aid professional.

Hearing losses cause communication difficulties, which can be caused by alterations in the ear. Not hearing well may imply the possibility of increased feelings of frustration, sadness, isolation and family conflicts between older people and the purpose of the discussion table was to talk about all these issues.

Mrs. Carmona gave the testimonial of the residential and social care Ametlla del Vallès about the work that is done from the center to overcome the circumstances arising from the lack of hearing. In addition, he also spoke about the implications of wearing hearing aids, provided advice on the most convenient way to address the elderly who have hearing problems and referred to the need to strengthen their relationships and social activities to reverse these problems.