On Thursday, 24 November at the Edifici Docent of MútuaTerrassa, the 2016 Dijous de Mútua conference series will be held and will focus on children: “Child health: eating habits, vaccines and other recommendations"
“Child health” will be the focus of the next Dijous de Mútua conference.

On Thursday, 24 November at the Edifici Docent of MútuaTerrassa, the 2016 Dijous de Mútua conference series will be held and will focus on children. “Child health: eating habits, vaccines and other recommendations” is the title of the conference which will be led by Dr. Anna Pizà, consulting physician at the HUMT Paediatric Emergency Department, Dr. Laia Asso, paediatrician at the Child Nutrition Unit of the Integrated Paediatrics Department of MútuaTerrassa, and Ms Montse Ibarra, dietician.
Regarding vaccines, Dr. Pizà will address the fears and doubts vaccines generate and will talk about the anti-vaccine groups. She will also present the new vaccine schedule released by the Catalan government for 2016 and will focus on the new vaccines covered by funding (Prevenar 13® and chicken pox) and the new meningitis vaccine (Bexsero®), including its indications, dosage and availability.
As for nutrition, Dr. Asso and Ms Ibarra will discuss the benefits of healthy eating habits in early childhood. Teaching children about proper eating habits is especially important during the first years of their lives because it not only provides them with the nutrition they need to grow but it also helps them acquire healthy eating habits as adults. Furthermore, they will present the new recommendations from the Department of Health and will discuss the most important aspects to keep in mind when feeding children.
- 2016 Dijous de Mútua conference programme PDF - 954KB