
MútuaTerrassa participates in the presentation of the Project + Future of the UCH

It was held on September 13 in the auditorium of the Caixa Forum and Mrs. Cibeles Moreno, CAP Rambla nurse, intervened.

More than 300 people attended, on September 13, at the presentation of the Project + FUTURE of The Union, which aims to identify trends that affect the organization of health and social services and build scenarios to adapt services to the environment and influence the organization of these systems.

The event was attended by Mrs. Cibeles Moreno, CAP Rambla nurse, who took part in the session "Conversations + FUTURE - The commitment from different views." Antoni Trilla, Head of the Service of Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology of the Clinical Hospital, Mireia Sans, Director of EAP Comte Borrell, Cristina García, patient and patient experience and Manuel del Castillo, Managing Director of the Hospital Sat Joan de Deu, participated in this part. .

The meeting served to publicize the work done so far and announce the actions that -from the UCH- will be carried out to accompany the organizations to promote the necessary transformations to anticipate the needs of the future and improve the attention to people .