
Àptima Center Clínic signs a collaboration agreement with the World Championship of hockey veterans

133 teams from 24 countries, 3,000 athletes in ten categories and 440 matches without the figures that give shape to the World Championship of hockey veterans to be held at Club Egara between the end of the month and the beginning of next. This is a major sporting event - it is expected to gather around 4,000 people among players, referees, judges and members of the organization - and Àptima Center Clínic will collaborate through its assistance services.

In this sense, will provide an ambulance equipped with Basic Life Support (SVB) and two health technicians during the 10 days of the competition, provide a rechargeable defibrillator to each of the venues of the championship-Club Egara, Pedritxes, Municipal Stadium of hockey Martí Colomer and Atlètic Terrassa hockey Club-, will provide the first assistance of Traumatology through the professionals of Cotca Sport as well as the necessary assistance to all the participants who have a private insurance during the development of the competition.

In order to guarantee the correct use of the 4 defibrillators and an optimal knowledge of cardiorespiratory recovery maneuvers (RCP), on July 12, several professionals from the HUMT -Jose Trenado, head of the Intensive Care Medicine and of the UCI, Dr. Baltasar Sánchez, assistant to the same service and Mrs. Anna Beltran, nurse of the Nursing Development Area- gave a training session to the persons in charge of the attention of the first aid of the tournament.

For its part, Àptima Centro Clínico will be a sponsor of the MWC in several elements and advertising support of the championship: the official website of the tournament, the tent located in the Village, the VIP area, the canvas located in field 1 and 2, in the photocall of the championship and will also be present in terms of social networks and press releases.

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