
Casa Marqués Salud Mental organizes a conference under the title "Diversity and Human Rights"

Last Wednesday, April 4, Casa Marqués Salud Mental organized the talk "Diversity and Human Rights" conceived with the idea of ​​addressing the Human Rights of the most vulnerable people, as is the case of those with mental illness. The session was in charge of Mrs. Isabel Marqués, Municipal Ombudsman of Greuges de Terrassa and lawyers Ms. Núria Garcia and Mr. Jordi Estapé; the three members of the Human Rights Working Group of the Terrassa Bar Association.

Ms. Marqués explained the functions she performs as a Trustee in Terrassa, highlighting the defense of the rights of citizens before the City Council. It was pointed out that the union "always acts ready to claim the rights of those who demand less because they are the ones who need it the most", as expressed at the time by Mr. Rafael Ribó, Síndic de Greuges.

Together with Mrs. Garcia and Mr. Estapé, topics of interest for the attendees were treated, such as legal incapacitation, living will, inheritances, resources where they can be addressed, etc. The attendees (residents of the Casa Marqués Mental Health and Trigint Mental Health residences, patients of the Subagudos Unit of the MútuaTerrassa University Hospital and different professionals interested in the topic in question) participated by asking the speakers several questions on what was a very relaxed and fruitful session, which is part of a Human Rights training program for Mental Health users of the Vallparadís Foundation.