
The Ortogeriatrics unit of the COT service referring to the 31st congress of the Catalan Society of TOC and the 2 nursing congress

The HUMT geriatric traumatology unit participated on May 3 and 4 at the 31st congress of the Catalan Society of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology and at the 2nd congress of the Catalan Nurse Society COT in Reus.

The geriatric traumatology unit (UTG) is made up of traumatologists, geriatricians, anesthesiologists, rehabilitators, nurses, case managers, physiotherapists, rheumatologists, nutritionists and social workers who work together on a daily basis to offer the patient and their environment optimal care. This was made clear during the congress in a conference under the title Orthogeriatry: How to do it well?, Which was made up of the intervention of Dr. Pablo Castillón, deputy physician of the TOC service, who spoke about Keys of an effective Orthogeriatric Unit, the Dr. Olga Gómez, assistant physician of the Anesthesiology service, who addressed the subject: Pre-surgical optimization and pain control of the patient with hip fracture, and finally the intervention of Mrs. Laura Puertas, COT nurse, who spoke about the Role of the Nurse Case Manager.

During the congress they also had different outstanding interventions such as Dr. Lluís Font, member of the Board of Directors of the SCCOT, who took part as a speaker in a course on Innovation and patents in COT.

Also, the resident doctors of the COT service, Dr. Martí Bernaus and Dr. Rodrigo Luna, presented two clinical cases that were selected among the top 10.

Within the congress of the Catalan Nurse Society in COT, Mrs. Margarita González, member of the Board of Directors of SICCOT, presented the experience of HUMT in the Fast-track Process in prosthetic surgery of the knee and hip. As well as the nurses Raquel Lacueva and Alba García presented the poster: Approach of the septic wound in ostètic foot with Charcot arthropathy and plantar ulceration.