
The Esophagogastric Surgery Unit of HUMT, present in the eighth edition of the CEGMI course

Bilbao hosted, between June 12 and 13, the celebration of the eighth edition of the minimally invasive esophagogastric surgery course, organized by the University Hospital of Basutro (Bilbao) and the College of Physicians of Bizkaia. Dr. Joaquin Rodríguez Santiago, clinical chief of the General Surgery Service of HUMT and Dr. Javier Osorio Aguilar, assistant of the same service -and both members of the Esophagogastric Surgery Unit- participated as teachers.

In this sense, Dr. Rodríguez Santiago intervened with three papers related to surgical quality standards, interhospital records (in terms of interest, structure, results and future) and postoperative complications, which was addressed through a clinical case.

For his part, Dr. Osorio gave two lectures, the first one on preoperative optimization of patients (nutritional preparation and blood savings) and the second in reference to the technical bases of lymphadenectomy in gastric cancer.

The general objective of the course was to provide all those present with oncological criteria and technical resources to be able to incorporate multidisciplinary management and the minimally invasive approach (laparoscopy and / or thoracoscopy) within its activity. It counted with the participation of about twenty speakers, all of them specialists in esophagogastric surgery, and with the assistance of some seventy professionals.