
Dr. David Mateu presents an experience on transfusions in Fast-track interventions

The study entitled: "Need for blood transfusion in patients who underwent total Rodile prosthesis through a blood saving program in a fast recovery circuit, experience with 1,014 patients", was presented by Dr. David Mateo, deputy of the service of COT of HUMT, last Friday, May 25 in Zaragoza, during the celebration of the 36th congress of the Spanish Association of Arthroscopy (AEA), together with the 37th congress of the Spanish Society of Knee (SEROD) and the 27th nursing course in Arthroscopy and Knee.

The FastTrack multidisciplinary surgery team has achieved this good results in both knee and hip prostheses. The optimization of patients prior to surgery is carried out by the Anesthesiology Service, which is part of the Rapid Recovery Team. The patients are evaluated according to the previous analysis and are treated according to the levels of hemoglobin, so that they arrive at the surgery in the best conditions. Also the use of intraoperative measures, both pharmacological and technical, has achieved the reduction of blood losses. The percentage of patients requiring transfusion has been reduced was only 3.5% in 2017, which means that 96.5% of people have not required transfusion.