
Presentation of the doctoral thesis of Dr. Vanesa Pascual on infection with Escherichia coli producing AMP C

This morning, in the teaching building, Mr. Vanesa Pascual Granollers has defended the doctoral thesis "Epidemiology, risk factors and clinical description of the infections caused by Escherichia coli producing AMP C". She completed her residency in the Internal Medicine Department of the University Hospital MútuaTerrassa (between 2003 and 2008) and continued working in the HUMT until last year, both in the Emergency Department and Internal Medicine. She is currently the Director of the Internal Medicine Service of the Igualada Hospital (Anoia Sanitari Consortium).

This is a work co-directed by Dr. Esther Calbo, physician of the Internal Medicine Department of HUMT and chair of the Infection Commission and Dr. Xavier Garau, medical director of the Clínica Rotger Quirón Salud (Mallorca) and the tutor has been Dr. Alejandro de la Sierra, chief of the Internal Medicine Service of the HUMT.

As for the content of the thesis, Escherichia coli is one of the main causes of infection in the community as well as in infections related to health care. The objectives were to describe the prevalence and risk factors and clinical description of infections caused by E. coli producing β-lactamase cAMP in the community, and to compare clinical characteristics and evolution in patients with E. coli infection Of β-lactamase cAMP compared to patients with non-cAMP producing E. coli infection.

An observational case-control study was carried out involving three hospitals and the respective primary care areas: Santa Creu i Sant Pau Hospital, Consorci Sanitari de Terrassa and the HUMT, covering an area of ​​influence of 1,300,000 habitants. With the results obtained, two articles have been published in indexed scientific journals.

The court was formed by Dr. Montserrat Giménez Pérez, a physician from the Microbiology Service and responsible for the Area of ​Systemic and Nosocomial Infection at the Germans Trias i Pujol Hospital in Badalona, ​​which has served as President, Dr. Carolina Garcia Vidal , physician of the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, ​​who has served as Secretary and Dr. Santiago Grau, Chief of the Pharmacy Service of the Hospital de Mar, who has served as a member.