
The ARA addresses the benefits of thermal waters in babies with the testimony of Dr. Puigarnau

Under the title "How little fish in the water!", The supplement ARA Criatures of Saturday, May 26, incorporated a story about the advantages associated with the familiarization of babies with the aquatic environment. To deepen on this topic, the author of the report, Laura Pinyol, interviewed some experts, including Dr. Puigarnau.

In this sense, she refers to the benefits of water as a deeply known means for the baby. It also exposes the benefits associated with this activity in terms of stimulation of muscle tone, development of motor, cognitive, sensory and social phases and the fact that it is a strictly "unique and without alien interference" between parents and baby.

In the course of the report, Dr. Puigarnau also makes a positive reading of this joint activity since it contributes to the relaxation of both the parents and the baby and concludes that indeed the medicinal water is better than the one that is treated with chemical products.

Article ARA Criatures