
El Diario Terrassa interviews Elena Martín, author of this year's St. Jordi's story

The "Converses" section of the last supplement of the Diario Terrassa was starring Elena Martín, worker of the residence and day center for the intellectually disabled La Pineda of the Vallparadís Foundation and author of the story "Mi super héroe no capa", the story edited this year by St. Jordi.

Knowing the motivations that led her to appear in the story contest, approaching her most personal facet to see if the story contains her own experiences and also approach the professional field to know if her work has helped her to develop some part of the story are some of the purposes pursued by the interview.

In this sense, Elena explains her most personal links with history, she discovers the gratification she feels towards her work as an educator in the center and also makes us some confession in artistic terms, like for example that she likes painting rather than writing.