
Start of the conference cycle of the Dijous de Mutua 2018

Yesterday, Thursday, May 10, the starting shot was given to the seventeenth edition of the conference cycle "Dijous de Mutua". The inaugural conference was entitled "Food: how to avoid overweight and prevent diseases", by Dr. Ma José Barahona, head of the Endocrinology and Nutrition service of HUMT and Mrs. Montse Ibarra, dietitian-nutritionist also of HUMT and was held as part of the colon cancer campaign.

Over the course of the conference they talked about why it is so difficult to lose weight and why most people tend to win after dieting. It was detailed which diseases predispose the fact of following an unhealthy diet and those that predispose to being overweight and obese. Finally, it was also explained what is the concept of healthy eating and what strategies must be faced when wanting to lose weight and maintain it.

A calendar of six conferences of varied themes

This year's program consists of a total of six conferences that will take place between the months of May and November. As in the last edition, all will take place at 6 pm at the usual location, the teaching building of the entity. Given the good reception in the last year's edition had the live broadcast through the Facebook Live of the newspaper El Món Terrassa, the conferences of this cycle will also be broadcast by this same means.

The rest of the themes covered by this year's program are: tissue donation, breastfeeding, the diagnosis of fatty liver, the need for rapid action before an ICTUS and the Hospital for Home Care (HAD). The cycle "Dijous de Mutua" has been conceived with the idea of ​​spreading current medical topics and of informing in an understandable way about everything that concerns society.

Facebook live Món Terrassa conferència alimentació i sobrepès

Entrevista al Programa de ràdio El Submarí