
We resume the cycle "Dijous de Mutua" with a lecture on fatty liver

It is the first to be held after the summer and will be next Thursday, September 27

The auditorium of the teaching building will host next Thursday, September 27, at 6:00 p.m., the fourth conference of the Mutual Thursday of this year, dedicated on this occasion to know what a diagnosis of fatty liver means. It will be borne by Dr. Diana Huerta, assistant physician of the Digestive System of HUMT.

In the course of the conference, Dr. Huerta will talk about the diagnosis, management, follow-up and treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), has become the most frequent cause of chronic liver disease in our environment and is expected to its incidence increases in the coming years due to the increase in obesity and the metabolic syndrome. Dr. Huerta will also explain in detail the mainstay of the treatment of FGNA, referring to the change of lifestyle and in the Mediterranean diet.

The rest of the topics covered by this year's program are: the need for rapid action before a ICTUS and the Hospital for Home Care (HAD). The "Jueves de Mutua" cycle has been conceived with the idea of ​​spreading current medical topics and of informing in an understandable way about everything that concerns society.