
The next conference of "Dijous de Mutua" will address the main functionalities of diabetic foot units

The conference room of the teaching building will host, next Thursday, June 29 at 18h, the fourth conference of the cycle Dijous de Mutua 2017, designed to publicize the work of the units of diabetic foot and especially the HUMT.

It will be headed by Dr. Josep Royo, chief of Vascular Surgery, Dr. Josep Torrent, Deputy Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology (COT) and Ms. Teresa Huguet, podóloga of Diabetic Foot Unit HUMT.

With a career spanning more than 10 years, the Diabetic Foot Unit of HUMT brings together the different professionals involved in the same clinical process in order to give better care, reducing the number of amputations in diabetic patients and their physical complications And personal.

So it is characterized by a cooperative and multidisciplinary work since consists Professional Multiservice: COT, Vascular Surgery Endocrinology, Internal Medicine, Rehabilitation, Plastic Surgery and Podiatrists. The main intention of the Unit is to reduce the number of diabetic patients who still suffer amputations in the lower limbs derived from this disease.

During the conference, speakers from the three -members said foot unit Diabético- will present the main lines of action in which they work, will discuss the most important goals and ultimately help to give more visibility to these units.

En aquest sentit, en una recent reunió mundial d’experts sobre la diabetis la Dra. Catherine Le Galès-Camus, subdirectora general de l’OMS, inicià el seu discurs amb les següents paraules: "És inadmissible que es produeixin tantes morts i casos de discapacitat com a conseqüència de les amputacions, quan existeixen clarament solucions assequibles per evitar-ho. Una petita inversió en prevenció i educació pot traduir-se en menys amputacions i una millor qualitat de vida. Sense oblidar l’estalvi sanitari.”