
The health of the pelvic floor will focus the second conference of the cycle "Dijous de Salut" of St. Cugat

Conceived with the idea of ​​disseminating current health issues and informing in an understandable way about everything that worries society, on October 5th the sixth edition of the cycle of conferences "Dijous de Salut" was inaugurated. The second, under the title "Women's pelvic floor health: how to avoid dysfunctions" is ready and will be held next Thursday, November 2 at the Casa de Cultura dels Jardins del Monestir of St. Cugat (C/ Castellví, s/n).

In this case will be the responsibility of Dr. Gonzalo Baya, gynecologist of the Pelvic Floor Unit of the Center Clinic MútuaTerrassa in Sant Cugat, and will address - as of 18h - the basic knowledge of what is the pelvic floor and how it works. He will also talk about the different pathologies that are derived like urinary incontinence (of effort and emergency), prolapse or fall of bladder, rectum or matrix, gas or faecal incontinence and recurrent urinary tract infections.

Dr. Baya will also refer to their impact on the quality of life of patients - both psychoaffective, social and occupational as well as risk factors of the same and their prevention. Finally, it will explain the different treatments for each pathology: conservatives (rehabilitation and pharmacological medical treatments) and invasive or surgical treatments.

This year's cycle will be closed with the conference "Practice sports with guarantees: the importance of medical examinations". Dr. Santiago Sabatés, traumatologist at Àtima Center Clínic and co-director of COTCAT (Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology of Catalonia) and Dr. Jordi Gibert, specialist in Sports Medicine at the Unit of Sports Medicine at the Center Clínic/COTCAT will be in charge to pronounce it.

  • 21/09/2017 -