
The cycle "Els Dijous de Mútua" is inaugurated with the broadcast by Facebook Live of the first conference

Last Thursday, March 30, the cycle of conferences "Els Dijous de Mútua" began this year with the early detection of colon and rectal cancer in Terrassa. Dr. Fernando Fernández-Bañares, deputy physician of the Digestive Service of the HUMT and Mrs. Mar Pujals, nurse of the same service were the responsibles of this conference.

It had an attendance of about sixty people but, thanks to the novelty of the edition, the repercussion of the conference reached up to almost 10,000 people. This was possible because the conference was broadcast live on Facebook Live - a real-time video playback tool from Facebook - from the social networks of the digital newspaper Món Terrassa. The video had 1,800 reproductions and a total of 500 interactions.

The morning radio show "El Submarí" was also interested in early detection of colon and rectal cancer.
Two days before, on Tuesday 28, Dr. Fernandez Bañares, deputy physician of the Digestive Service of the HUMT, was invited to explain all the details of this issue in the morning magazine "El Submarí" of the Municipal Radio of Terrassa. In this sense, Dr. Fernández Bañares referred to the need to become aware of the early detection given that it is a cancer with high expectations of cure if it is effectively detected in time. He also talked about the early detection program for colon and rectal cancer (PDPCCR) of Servei Català de la Salut, which began in Terrassa in January.

The Director of Communication of MútuaTerrassa, Natàlia Albà, accompanied the doctor in her intervention and in this case referred to the consolidated path of the cycle, in its objectives as well as the will of the entity to reach the population - beyond the Consultations - putting the knowledge of the professionals of MútuaTerrassa within their reach.

See the interview and the conference on Facebook live
Listen to the interview interview