
Dijous de Mútua focused on the social preservation of fertility

The MútuaTerrassa room of the Teaching Building hosted, on Thursday June 1 at 18h, the third conference of the cycle Dijous de Mútua 2017, dedicated to the social preservation of fertility. It was in charge of PhD. Joana Peñarrubia, gynecologist specializing in Human Reproduction Assisted by Àptima Centre Clínic MútuaTerrassa

In recent years we have witnessed a progressive increase in the age of women to conceive first child and in the number of women who voluntarily postpone maternity. In this context, a worrying fact is the little existing knowledge of the deleterious effect of age on female fertility. And although women are aware of this fact, it is believed that assisted reproduction techniques (ART) can compensate for this problem. On the other hand, the reality is that the results of these techniques in women of advanced reproductive age are very damaging, with a very low birth weight probability.

From a theoretical point of view, the only ways to avoid increasing dependence on egg donation - which has increased exponentially over the past few years - would be to achieve social changes that favor motherhood at earlier ages or ovule freezing At young ages for the subsequent use by the woman herself, that is, what has been called the social preservation of fertility.

Throughout this conference PhD. Peñarubia talked about the factors that have made it possible to freeze ovule without medical indication, the profile of the current users and the results in terms of gestation. In addition, he clarified the possible indications of ovule freezing by performing a critical analysis of this technique far from the possible commercial interests involved.

You could see the whole conference of PhD. Peñarubia through Facebook live diari El Món Terrassa

Also, on Tuesday May 30 PhD. Peñarrubia intervened in the magazin program "El Submarí" of the Ràdio Municipal de Terrassa, you can listen to it clicking this link